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DeskFlex Beacons enable building management to optimize room and office availability and occupancy. Efficiently track bookings and ensure optimal space utilization in various hybrid work environments.

DeskFlex Beacons for Social Distancing Booking

DeskFlex is a social distancing software, and the Bluetooth beacon supports this functionality. One can avoid contacting the administration and doing some pen-and-paper logging.

DeskFlex Beacon iot technology simplifies office room management using Bluetooth for short-range communication between devices. This feature also allows employees to conveniently check-in and out of rooms using smartphones.

Book Now

This DeskFlex beacon iot feature also serves as social distancing management software. Authorized users can see their upcoming meetings for a specific space and even book a workstation through the touchscreen. On the other hand, this beacon booking allows offices and organizations to have a much more systematic procedure, where everyone can do it either in the offices or outside and at any time.

Check-In and Check Out

The check-in and check-out features help maintain the reservations that are in use. In addition, the DeskFlex beacon iot software solutions also include an Auto-Cancellation option. If the user does not check in within 15 minutes, the reservation will automatically be canceled, and the workstation will open to other users.

Additional Features

As this feature leaves commendable returns for the offices and organization in terms of distanced booking, here is further info on what DeskFlex Bluetooth beacon iot technology comes with:
