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space management software

Using COVID-19 space management software to jumpstart back-to-work

Organizations across the world have lost productivity due to the COVID-19-related shutdown. In some cases, the competition may be eying this as an opportunity to gain market share. With the lockdown’s scheduled to end in most jurisdictions, employers are very likely busy planning and strategizing how they’ll have staff resume work at their designated worksites. The challenge isn’t about how to contact staff and get them back to the office quickly. It’s about making sure your back-to-office transition is efficient, effective and, most importantly, safe across all workspaces. 

Using COVID-19 space management softwarewill help give your back to work plans a jump start, and will also keep the competition at bay!

Seizing opportunity

After months of working off-site, employers may be rightly concerned that back-to-office productivity could be minimal – at least at first. As staff grapple to find their way around workplace social distancing, and learning how to work with colleagues who may not be on-premises, it’s likely that efficiencies will suffer. For many businesses, getting up and running before the competition does could mean the difference between survival or fading. 

So, what can employers do to assist their teams embrace back-to-work, and do it expeditiously, and with comfort and ease? The answer lies in using desk management tools and other workspace planning and scheduling software and devices. 

Here are two opportunities that await business managers in their effort to be nimble and be safe in resuming operations:

1) Intelligent room scheduling: The days of walking into the office, and knowing that your workspace will always be available, are over! Staff, working from the office, may share workspaces typically assigned to other co-workers that might currently not be in the office. And, desks and cubicles may even be off-limits due to cleaning or disinfecting. 

So, what’s the opportunity here? Enable your staff with power room scheduling software.  By delegating the responsibility to each staff member, to plan, schedule and book rooms and other workspaces, you’ll produce more agile teams across the company.

2) Helpful visual cues on the office floor: Post COVID-19 workspace asset management won’t be just about scheduling desks and cubicles in advance. It’s also about quickly knowing which desks and cubicles are available, reserved or otherwise indisposed, at any given time, across the office. This can be an especially challenging endeavor in 15,000 square foot floor, or multiple floors in a building. To do that, use FlexCube. An intelligent device in DeskFlex’s COVID-19 space management software and tools portfolio.   

Social-Distanced Workspace

When staff find themselves looking for appropriately social-distanced workspace, all they do is look for a Green (meaning “available”) FlexCube on a desk or workstation. The result: Almost instantaneous productivity boosts, because staff won’t spend hours consulting schedules, calling administrators or hunting for “rightful owners” of a desk or cubicle. 

When it comes to planning for reopening your organization. After a COVID-19 hiatus, line managers and facility administrators certainly have their work cut out for them. Because of the what’s at stake, including health and safety and even legal implications. The task of reopening quickly and effectively can be daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be a difficult and challenging journey. By equipping your staff with top-of-the-line workspace management and scheduling tools. You’ll not only jump start your back-to-work transition, but you’ll also make it fun and less stressful for your employees.  

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