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Contact Tracing

DeskFlex room booking software has a Contact Tracing feature, utilizing Bluetooth beacons to assist company managers, school administrators, and business owners with contact tracing for their employees, students, and clients, respectively. This contact tracing software, contact tracing tool, or contact tracing app assists in containing a possible outbreak of COVID-19 in offices, schools, campuses, and business establishments.

Contact Tracing In The Office And School Campuses

Bluetooth beacons regularly update their signal to the central server when a student or team member checks into the building. This helps record users’ logins, reservations, details, and locations in case of contact tracing COVID within the office or campus.

Contact tracing information is collected with the tracing desk as users move around the office or school. Other Bluetooth beacons pick up their mobile signals and register their position at that particular time.

Notifying, Locating, and Isolating an Outbreak

The Contact Tracing software of DeskFlex checks the students, faculty, employees, and registered users for the symptoms of coronavirus once they log in to the program. In the event of a confirmed COVID contamination, administrators can try to study the user’s data and build a detailed report to determine other users who were in the exact location, date, and time with the contaminated person.

DeskFlex Contact Tracing then allows management to notify, locate, and recommend isolation of those potentially infected individuals.

COVID Contamination Measures

Contact tracing using DeskFlex COVID contact tracing can also determine which particular employee, workspaces, desks, and cubicles the infected individual came into contact with. This comprehensive report, generated through CDC contact tracing principles, empowers company managers and school admins to identify areas in the office or school that need total lockdown and deep sanitation following COVID-19 contact tracing efforts.

This proactive approach enhances workplace and school safety during infectious disease outbreaks.