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Booked Schedule: How to Effectively Games in 2024

Gaming tournaments and expositions, like all events, rely on efficient scheduling and coordination between different people.

Scheduling, reservation, and coordination similarly rely on the tools’ quality. Between managing guests, vendors, and caterers, the challenge lies in being efficient with time and resources. 

That said, crafting the ultimate gaming experience need not be a challenge. In this article, we’ll take a look at what makes the best software for booking games in 2024. 

What Are the Main Challenges That Come With Managing Games and Esports Events?

Like with other events, esports and games event managers are responsible for ensuring the success of events. Professional players, hosts, announcers, and technical staff must coordinate with different people and teams at once.

Here are a few of the biggest challenges that event organizers often face:

1. Lack of Hardware Setup

One of the biggest challenges in hosting esports events is the lack of on-hand hardware support. Events need to have adequate peripherals like monitors, keyboards, or controllers in case of emergencies.

Other hardware equipment, such as stage lighting and broadcasting set-ups, are also crucial. Other things like a reliable internet connection are even more so and should be set up before the event starts.

2. Insufficient Software Infrastructure

Another challenge is the lack of a software system studios can reliably use for coordinating and communicating with different teams.

Performance issues during broadcasting can quickly result in other technical issues and even cancellation. This can affect even gameplay. To avoid this, sufficient infrastructure should also be in place.

3. Poor Logistics Planning

Logistical support encompasses everything from power outlets to internet bandwidth to food and drinks for the participants.

Logistics is often what can make or break events since they are crucial to providing an ideal experience for participants. With the right tools, it’s possible to improve logistical planning to ensure the event runs smoothly.

4. Understaffing

Staff shortages during large events can be caused by either poor planning or inadequate delegation. To avoid this lack of oversight, investing in software can offer a quick view of user designations or assignments is important.

Aside from booking games at different areas, scheduling software can also view which staff members are assigned in which areas. As a result, event planners have a more accurate picture and can delegate accordingly.

Why Should You Invest in a Scheduling System for Booking Games?

The video game industry has experienced a significant boom in the past few decades. With recent developments like the rise of e-sports, they aren’t just here to stay. They are still becoming more popular and will become more popular in the next few years.

Like with all events, efficiency, and coordination are crucial. This is due to investing in efficient tools like a scheduling system.

Here are the reasons why a scheduling system matters when it comes to booking games expositions, tournaments, and other events:  

1. It helps in minimizing paper use.

There are many advantages to going digital. It allows you to move schedules and reservations online and easily organize schedules. It also lets you sync up any sign-ups with your booked scheduler automatically.

2. It enables centralized information.

Because coordination and communication are essential to a successful event, keeping everyone on the same page is important. Tools like scheduling or reservation software often have shared access with different users to do so.

3. It maximizes traffic flow.

Point-and-click floor maps make wayfinding easier when the software is paired with a lobby kiosk. It allows you to plan the layout of booths and other spaces for your event.

4. It provides real-time insights.

Foot traffic is a great source of data and insights that planners can use for improving events. Scheduling and reservation software can collect real-time data and analytics for this purpose.

What Features Do You Look For in the Best Booking Games Software in 2024?

Event planners for esports tournaments and expositions need reliable, intuitive, and easy-to-use software. It should enable them to plan according to the scale of the event while ensuring enough resources are available.

As a result, the software should have the basics completely covered, on top of additional features that make the experience easier. Here’s what to expect in the best booking games software in 2024:

3. Real-time Synchronization

With real-time synchronization, space availability for last-minute changes becomes less of an issue. Users can reserve a space immediately once a particular room or guest hall becomes available.

The result is less waiting time for users and guests, especially for VIP rooms during particularly large events.

2. Browser and Local Kiosk Access

Local kiosk access can make a huge difference for gaming events, expositions, and tournaments. They make wayfinding easier from the start and guests can see which rooms are hosting which events.

Additionally, event schedules are also easier to see from a lobby kiosk. Guests looking for specific time slots will have a better time browsing at a publicly available location.

3. Third-party Integration

Event planners looking for booking games software are also likely to use other tools already. Integrating tools like Outlook and Office 365 keeps reservations and updates accessible with a minimal learning curve. 

Third-party integration with other apps, like Google Maps, even works well in replacing traditional paper methods. They optimize route planning and even tracking, which is great for managing large crowds last minute. 

4. User Profiles

With overlapping and double booking an issue for any event, having user profiles is a great way to prevent them. Alongside integration with existing tools, this feature can help coordinate schedules from apps like Outlook.

User profiles also make a booked scheduler login easier to manage since users can simply check reserved equipment. Users can get information on who has a particular piece of equipment reserved and for how long.

Why Choose DeskFlex as Your Gaming Reservation Software?

With the availability of different brands of software, it can be hard to find the perfect one that suits your needs. Look no further – DeskFlex has you covered. 

Of the aforementioned features, DeskFlex has the perfect combination ensuring a seamless experience that system studios need. On top of the aforementioned features, here’s what makes DeskFlex the best in the business:

1. It offers real-time data and analytics.

DeskFlex is all about making reservations and scheduling as efficiently as possible for companies of all industries.

With the reporting and analytics feature, users can gain information on the different statuses of spaces. These can range from office spaces to conference halls and entire convention areas. 

DeskFlex can also display on-demand spaces, allowing managers to set up the site to take full advantage of traffic flow.

2. It has an abandoned meeting protection

A booking app is not an issue for DeskFlex since it automatically releases areas if nobody confirms their reservation.

No-shows and canceled meetings or events can happen due to various issues, which can result in idle space. With DeskFlex, automatic cancellations allow for spaces to update their status in real-time, ensuring available space.

With abandoned meeting protection, managers can also set the default time from fifteen to ten minutes or shorter. This can be especially useful during packed events with heavy traffic flow.

3. It is built for custom programming.

One of DeskFlex’s many strengths is that it offers fully customizable software to suit your needs. With custom software, users have complete flexibility and efficiency for running both small and large-scale events.

Custom programming also prevents users from dealing with queue times from a booked app.

Another advantage of custom software is the ability for event planners to add their own needed features. Migrating legacy data from past or existing systems is also no issue.

The Bottom Line

Esports event managers are responsible for many things to ensure that an event goes smoothly. They have to balance scheduling, reservation, and coordination with different teams of people.

At times, they may even have to coordinate with third parties. As a result, scheduling software used for booking games should enable users to plan according to the scale of the event.

This means that the software they need should be the right tool for the job. Aside from having the right combination of useful features, they should also be intuitive and as user-friendly as possible.

Look no further if you’re still looking for the right scheduling system to host your next esports tournament. Give us a call – we’d love to hear from you!

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