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How To Effectively conference naming a rooms at the Workplace

It might not appear like a significant chore for your group or business to name rooms at first glance. Still, it significantly impacts fostering camaraderie and maintaining brand consistency.

What if your office has conference rooms spread out throughout the building? What if your office has more than one of these rooms? You might call it “the conference room.” How will you be able to differentiate between them?

This blog delves into the philosophy and practice of room naming to assist you in selecting memorable names for each common area in your office.

Why do Room Names Matter?


1) Takes Confusion Out

As was said at the beginning, giving each room a name helps you find your way around your office.

You can use the usual conference room names. However, they are all very impersonal and devoid of any sort of emotion.

With the fitting room naming convention, you may distinguish between any number of spaces (thereby removing confusion) and have some fun simultaneously.

2) Supports Company Culture

Room naming impacts corporate culture significantly. It affects how your employees view and interact with your business.

Conference room plus numbers can be adequate if your business culture is formal and polished. But if your company culture is more laid-back, a creative name helps to reinforce that atmosphere and makes employees feel like they belong.

3) Promotes Diversity in the Workplace

Similar to this, the way you choose to name your rooms makes the workplace more inclusive.

Everyone on your team will feel like they belong when they can see themselves in the corporate culture and relate to the behaviors, standards, and norms it encourages, no matter their age, race, or gender.

It demonstrates how crucial it is to name your office hoteling spaces using various cultural allusions rather than limiting the convention to a single set of customs.

What are Errors To Avoid When Naming A Room?


1. Avoid Complex Names

It’s a good idea to have a theme for your meeting room names, but if you choose one that results in a lot of names that are identical (see the example of naming suburban streets above), you’ll cause infinite annoyance for the staff.

2. Avoid Using Unclear Room Names

The desire to employ alphabetic and numeric characters is excellent. You could enjoy the concept of incorporating numbers. Still, instead of using the naming convention for meeting rooms as a chance to inspire, you’ve made something that new employees and visitors will hate very much.

3. Avoid Using Outdated Names

You want to use names that reflect the company’s culture, but inside jokes and slang can be offensive to people who aren’t used to the culture yet.

It’s okay to be humorous or whimsical, mainly if that’s the feeling your business already exudes. Still, it’s a good idea to run your list of candidates by an outsider just to check for blind spots or faux pas.

4. Avoid Opting for a Boring Name

A fascinating idea with simple terminology is preferable to something difficult to understand. It implies that being inventive need not include naming conference rooms for well-known people or breakfast cereals. The key is associating each name with a topic pertinent to your business’s principles, goals, or background.

5. Avoid Making Hard-to-Remember Names

When naming your conference rooms, you should find a balance between being relevant, practical, and interesting since they will be used often throughout the day.

6. Avoid Challenging Names

Using names from chemistry, as was described in error number 5, may seem relevant and exciting. Still, you run the danger of continually upsetting and annoying those who find it challenging to pronounce such names.

It’s best to think about which of the two is more likely while selecting a nickname. You should be alright if the names are visible to the staff and you include pronunciation guides on the meeting room name displays. Alternatively, be prepared for people to shorten the names of your meeting rooms in conversation if you choose to use phrases or words that are too long.

Best Directives for Suitable Room Naming


1) Maintain Your Brand

Consistency is essential for building your brand. Everything, from the names you give your products to the naming practices you employ for your office spaces, affects how your consumers and employees identify with your business.

People could become confused if you stray from your brands, like naming the meeting rooms in your hiking equipment company after planets or 80s movies.

When naming spaces for your business, try to stay true to your brand.

2) Select a Theme

Your room naming convention must maintain the uniformity that is important to your brand overall. To ensure that all your meeting places share a theme, choose one that is pertinent to your company.

For instance, Twitter chose the room naming motif of birds, which fits in well with their brand and is understandable to team employees and guests.

3) Make Sure it is Scalable

Ensure your room names’ themes aren’t too precise to prevent scalability while selecting them.

There will only be one accurate choice if you have a variety of meeting spaces but decide on a particular theme that best suits your concept.

You can search and surf the internet for themes if you have problems deciding.

4) Gather Ideas from Staff

Ask your staff for ideas, whether you haven’t decided on a topic or are already seeking specific suggestions.

Including your staff in the process strengthens the business culture, creates an environment where everyone feels welcome, and offers a sense of belongingness.

Your Office’s Room Names Reflect the Culture You Want to Build

When naming conference rooms, there are multiple things that you have to take into account. Still, the only absolute guideline should be to consider the culture you want to create and ensure the theme respects or strengthens your brand, workplace identity, and employees.


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