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Verwenden von Software, um den Übergang zurück ins Büro effizienter zu gestalten

Employees, in search of socially-distant workspace may, for instance, choose to book only non-contagious cubicles (Green lights). And, if facility cleaners wish to decommission a collection of workspaces for wipe-downs. They can easily set the status to Red, disallowing access to those spaces to employees.  

These transition back to the office software tools and devices come with added intelligence built into them. They integrate with corporate communication systems, like Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory, allowing employees to manage workspaces. Book or release assets and change availability statuses remotely. When used in conjunction with other intelligent devices, like DeskFlex WorkStation Touchscreens, users can view upcoming engagements for specific workspaces, and even book the workstation on the touchscreen. That’s yet more flexibility in back to work transition planning.   

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