
Want to see DeskFlex in action? Book your live demo today!

Check-in/out Feature

DeskFlex’s touchscreen displays provide a smooth insight into your reservation, allowing you to easily view booked rooms through the room scheduling system. Simply scan the QR code on the screen using the DeskFlex mobile app, and it will alert the system upon logging in, making the room ready for use.

Effortless Check-In

Our Bluetooth beacons integrate with DeskFlex’s advanced contactless desk booking and meeting room reservation software, functioning as meeting room signs. These devices connect to nearby Bluetooth beacons to confirm a user’s presence. Once logged in, users can manage their workspace seamlessly.


Contactless Display Screen users can explore their reservations. Once their connection with the iPad is disconnected, the Bluetooth beacons automatically categorize users as checked out, even if they forget to check out via QR code.

If a user has not checked in within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, the facility scheduling system automatically releases their reserved workspace to other users

Contactless Room Display

A contactless room display reduces the risk of infection in companies, especially in the healthcare industry. Now, users can scan a QR code using their mobile devices to log in for meeting room or desk reservations.

Users can also view the contactless room display sensors while booking. After continuous reservations, sanitation time for desks and meeting rooms will automatically be scheduled. You can manage this yourself via your mobile.

Comprehensive Reservation Management with DeskFlex