

school software

Por que as escolas precisam de um software de agendamento de alunos online?

The year 2020 has brought drastic changes to the education delivery for today’s students. Due to the pandemic, schools and universities have turned to online classes to continue educating young minds. Technological tools and innovations have significantly helped make these things possible.

If there is one thing that the pandemic has taught us clearly, it is that the use of technology can improve the lives of many people around the world. This is why the education sector needs to seriously consider upgrading its systems and networks to take advantage of what technology can offer.

Schools and universities can start by automating their campus scheduling software, and here’s why:

What is campus scheduling software?

Before we elaborate on the reasons, let’s first define campus scheduling software.

Campus scheduling software is an automation system that school administrators and university management can use to organize their data, streamline educational processes, and transform overall academic rules.

Benefits of Room Scheduling Software for Colleges

Technology plays a crucial role in delivering quality education to students. It paves the way for a simpler student registration process, class scheduling, school records management, fee collection, and management of campus facilities and equipment.

Integrating online student scheduling software into a school’s existing systems can significantly reduce the time and effort required to execute and deliver typical campus administration processes.

Campus scheduling software for colleges is a reliable platform that offers your educational institution the following benefits:

  • Increase the productivity of teachers and school staff

School Staff and Educators Can Benefit from Course Scheduling Software for Colleges

  • Increase in student admissions

Online student scheduling software allows students to access school portals from their home or mobile devices. It streamlines appointment booking, registration, enrollment, and admission, making it hassle-free for students, staff, and educators.

  • Implement smooth and fast communication

Outlook classroom scheduling software integration comes in a mobile app format that allows users to establish communication within and outside the organization with its automatic email notifications. It will enable faster and smoother exchange of information and provide a centralized platform for teachers, administrators, and staff to communicate with parents and students.

  • Cloud-based open access

Automated school scheduling systems allow users to access room and desk scheduling software features anytime and anywhere because of its cloud-based system infrastructure.

  • Parental control

School scheduling software systems allow parents to track their child’s attendance, absences, and class cancellations. It will allow educators and parents to work together to assist the child in their academic performance if needed.

  • Environmentally friendly technology

In traditional schools, most educational and administrative activities consume large volumes of paper. Using desk scheduling software for universities will save a lot of trees as students, teachers, and administrative staff will reduce the use of paper to a large extent.

  • Stress-free workplace

Traditional educational institutions manually maintain student records, file data in a large steel cabinet, and process tons of paperwork every day. School automation reduces the workload of employees, leading to a stress-free work environment. It helps your employees focus on more urgent and important tasks.

an office layout


Top Reasons to Invest in a School Scheduling Software System

School management usually takes the toll of organizing their activities of inquiry, admission, enrollment process, scheduling, deliberation, marketing, securing sponsorships, campus maintenance, and more. A desk scheduling software system can provide multiple solutions to different challenges that schools and universities usually face.

 Here are the five (5) reasons why your organization should invest in a reliable school scheduling software system:

Simplify administrative tasks

Managing a school is no easy task. It takes administrative staff, educators, accountants, lawyers, behavioral psychologists, doctors, and business leaders to run an educational institution.

 Administrative tasks can range from the admissions process to staff supervision, information security and record keeping, attendance and compliance status, to role-based access to student records, including overseeing school events. Any experienced educator knows that a well-managed school administration will result in smooth workflows, increased productivity, improved employee performance, a conducive environment for students, and a hassle-free workplace for teachers and staff.


Systematic Course Management

Teachers, parents, and guardians can track their children’s academic and non-academic progress by gaining access to web-based scheduling software. This ensures that no student falls behind in the school year. Using automation software technology, teachers no longer need to calculate student grades manually. The program’s application produces accurate and advanced scoring metrics to assess a child’s progress through the grading system.

Creating Access Layers

Schools have sensitive data to protect, so the best scheduling tools allow administrators to create restrictions and access layers. Only authorized personnel will have access to relevant school records or make desk reservations at specific locations on campus. In an organization with multiple users, such as a large university or school, automation technology provides role-based restricted access.

The administrator can assign roles to students, teachers, and staff and restrict access to other features of the web scheduling software. It will protect the system from any fraudulent activities and provide transparency to the members of the organization. School scheduling software can store, manage, and process student admissions, school fees, exam dates, room booking, email notifications, and timely information. The accuracy that the scheduling software provides keeps everyone vigilant.

Secure Collection and Management of School Fees

Gone are the days when parents or students would queue up at the cashier to pay their school fees. By using an automated education system, schools can eliminate the tedious and manual process of collecting and managing school fees. Payment collection software is a convenient payment collection module that is customized according to the school’s payment schemes. The school’s finance manager can track the default payments and notify the student or parents. Using scheduling software for schools allows parents and students to pay their tuition and school fees online. This will simplify payments and secure collection through the system.

What to Look for When Choosing the Best School Scheduling Software System

We live in an age of technological advancement and innovation. Some inventions make the world a better place and improve people’s daily lives. Educational institutions like schools, colleges, and universities can take advantage of the technological revolution by using classroom scheduling software systems. School scheduling software systems can improve the progress of the school and students.

If your organization is new to school scheduling management software; there are standards to look for when choosing the best school scheduling software system that works for your campus:

User-friendly interface

Since most of the users will be students, as a school administrator, you will be able to explain the simplicity of the software processes to the younger members of the school. Look for the most suitable user-friendly interface that you, your staff, your students, and their parents can understand very well how to use it.

Responsive design

A good school scheduling software should be responsive and provide clear on-screen instructions. Look for a software application that offers cross-platform access. It should be available on web browser, desktop, mobile, and should be compatible with other devices. The software should include the best scheduling tools to make it easy for users to create desk or room reservations.

Reports and analysis

Comprehensive reporting and analytics on how students, faculty, and staff use campus facilities is essential for making management and business decisions. Reliable school scheduling software can provide clear, accurate, and comprehensive reporting and analytics on space usage, reservations, no-shows, cancellations, and system modifications. This will allow school administration to see which campus facilities are in demand and which areas need to be revamped to optimize student and faculty experience.

Technical and Customer Support Team

The right software vendor should have a customer and support team ready to address school concerns or troubleshoot scheduling system issues. Before signing that contract, be sure to determine the level of support you can expect after using the system. Ask about system training, network integrations, and technical support when things don’t work as expected.

A reliable software company will provide manual user guides, online training tutorials, and toll-free numbers to call for after-sales assistance.

Software customization

Every educational institution has its own specific ways and processes of doing things. School scheduling software should be customizable to meet the needs of your organization. It’s best if your software provider can provide multilingual software, which is essential for educational institutions to offer online training and reach audiences with multiple languages.

 The conclusion

The answer to the question, “Why do schools need online student scheduling software?” will largely depend on the school administrator’s vision for how they plan to improve the acquisition and delivery of essential school services. Every school faces unique challenges and has different budget sizes. Software providers need to offer flexible and cost-effective software solutions.

DeskFlex school scheduling software system meets all these criteria and more. We can provide all these benefits to you and your students.

Are you interested in trying DeskFlex room booking software?

Schedule a demo today.

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