Escritório pós-pandemia: como garantir que seu local de trabalho seja seguro com a ajuda dos recursos do sistema de reserva de mesas
Simply put, employees are excited to return to their desks if it’s safe to do so. So as an employer, how can you ensure your workplace is ready to resume operations? Does your meeting room booking process and shared office space software support safety features and comply with health protocols?
Beyond security, what is it about the physical office that makes employees want to return? Let’s find out.
7 Reasons Employees Are Excited to Return to Their Post-Pandemic Workplaces
People often think that working from home is the most desirable work setup because it allows you to get your work done without leaving your home. But in reality, it doesn’t work for everyone. Here, we’ve summarized some of the common reasons why employees want to return to a typical work setup.
They miss out on face-to-face meetings and interaction with colleagues.
Before the Covid-19 outbreak, teams developed a camaraderie in the office that motivated each other through in-person meetings. Working with people who share the same goals as you can boost productivity and inspire creativity. One survey found that 3 out of 4 employees said the main reason they prefer in-person meetings is the people. The top three most crucial factors for returning to work are socializing with the company team, meeting with team members, and unplanned face-to-face interactions.
But even with many virtual meeting technologies that are readily available today, most employees still find it difficult to collaborate with others and stay on top of things when working from home.
The younger generation of workers has decreased productivity and is less motivated at home.
Many people believe that younger employees are generally more tech-savvy and tech-savvy, have a knack for remote work and are more skilled at building virtual connections. But researchers said Gen Z and Millennials find working from home more challenging, as they view the experience as much more stressful and difficult to get work done than their older counterparts. They also lack a sense of what is expected of them in their jobs and are less likely to feel motivated and fulfilled at the end of the day.
Workers want to return to the workplace, but they are waiting for the company to be prepared.
Employees are eager to get back to their desks, but they’re also considering whether the workplace is safe. With the number of positive Covid cases on the rise, you might think twice. According to a report, workers will feel confident returning to the office if they can be assured that their companies have implemented stricter health policies and increased office cleaning and room setups that support social distancing.
Videoconferencing cannot replace face-to-face meetings.
Organizations need to meet to discuss a project, monthly sales, or goals for a specific period. While technology allows your team to hold video meetings, there are still drawbacks that can detract from the purpose of the discussion. Poor connectivity, different time zones, and noisy environments are some of the common distractions when joining a virtual meeting and can cause stress for you and your team.
Free snacks, less preparation and dishes.
Working from home allows you to prepare the food you want, but it can take up a lot of time that you would otherwise spend working. Whereas in your office, you can grab a snack and enjoy the bottomless coffee in the pantry. The best part is that you don’t have to spend as much time preparing it and you don’t have to worry about washing the dishes. This means you have more time to focus on work or collaborate with colleagues.
Every day feels like the same working from home.
Workplace events and special company occasions are some of the things employees looked forward to before the pandemic. These events allow them to socialize and relax away from a load of tasks and deadlines. When every day feels the same at home, people get bored and crave the excitement of getting together with a few people to celebrate, relax, or learn.
Overwhelming Family Time.
Finally, you can spend more quality time with your spouse, children, and extended family. However, family time can quickly destroy your focus when you have a deadline to meet. Plus, kids are homeschooled, so as a parent or sibling, you may need to spend a lot more time helping them with their schoolwork.
Room Booking System Features for a Safe Return to the Workplace
Employees are eager to return to a different work environment. They want less shared workspace, adequate space for physical distancing, strict monitoring of health and disinfection protocols, and greater support for virtual and mobile work from their employers. Research has shown that providing transparency into how employers ensure their workplace is safe is key to gaining employee trust. A room scheduling software has all the features that can help them ensure integrity compliance for a smoother and more seamless transition.
Table booking software allows flexibility
Even before the pandemic, many employees were willing to work in a more flexible work environment, according to a survey. Now that many of them have gotten used to working from home or remotely for more than a year, it seems unreasonable to expect workers to return to a typical work environment.
While some staff will do so, a small percentage of employees may never return. But the survey found that most want to adopt a blended or hybrid work style – working from home partly and in the office some days of the week.
Desk booking software powers office hoteling – the practice of allowing team members to book any workspace before they arrive or at any time of day using a free meeting room booking app. It allows them to come into the office on some days and work remotely on others without a permanent desk. It also allows them to secure a reservation and ease the hassle of finding a desk to work at, especially if they need to sit near a team member to work on a project.
Table reservation software and room scheduling software help manage capacity
Office hoteling provides consistency and greater flexibility, but it can also be a great tool for better office space management. One of your most significant concerns when reopening your office to team members is keeping office density at a low-risk level. You’ll need to reduce office capacity by at least half or more to fit your office space while taking physical distancing into account.
Failing to do this could end up alienating someone who may have traveled farther afield to get to work early. To avoid this, you may need to plan how many employees will be in your office each day. Desk booking software allows you to quickly narrow down reserved spaces while disabling other desks to meet the 6-foot requirement.
O mesmo vale para a reserva da sala de reuniões. Ao agendar uma reunião, você pode limitar a capacidade da sala usando o software de agendamento de sala. Isso evitará superlotação e possível contaminação por vírus na área.
O software de reserva de mesa permite o gerenciamento estratégico de espaço
O nascimento de acordos de trabalho flexíveis muda tremendamente a forma como as pessoas usam seus espaços de trabalho. Ao gerenciar os imóveis da sua empresa, há muitos fatores a serem considerados para tomar a decisão certa, como:
- Se está a arrendar um espaço de escritório, é prático renovar o seu contrato que dificilmente tinha apenas 40% de taxa de ocupação?
- Há necessidade de espaço adicional para apoiar o distanciamento físico?
- Quais são as chances de os membros de sua equipe estenderem o contrato para o ano seguinte?
Essas perguntas são cruciais para desenvolver sua estratégia imobiliária. Mas pode ser difícil encontrar respostas precisas ao analisar manualmente. Um sistema inteligente de reserva de salas ajudará você a prever os requisitos futuros, analisando os relatórios e análises dentro do sistema.
O software de reserva de salas de reuniões permite verificação rápida e reserva de disponibilidade de salas de reuniões
Antes da pandemia, você verifica as salas uma a uma ou até pergunta a cada espaço ocupado quando sua sessão terminaria. Hoje, pode ser perigoso e consome tempo e energia.
Por ordem do governo, todos devem ficar a seis (2) metros de distância de outras pessoas.
Um software de reserva de salas de reuniões permite verificar as salas disponíveis e reservá-las imediatamente. Você também pode fazer isso com seu dispositivo móvel usando o aplicativo do sistema de reserva. O sistema evita que você faça a maneira tediosa de proteger uma sala e evita o risco de contrair o vírus.
O software de reserva de salas de reuniões agenda a higienização da mesa e da sala após cada uso e higienização profunda semanal
Uma das medidas de segurança exigidas é a higienização frequente de coisas e espaços compartilhados. A reserva de salas de reunião tem novos recursos que abordam a crise de saúde atual. Bactérias e vírus se ligam a coisas compartilhadas, saídas de ar e interação pessoa a pessoa, o agendamento de limpeza profunda pode minimizar tremendamente o risco de contaminação no local de trabalho.
O sistema de reserva de sala de reunião permite a triagem, monitoramento e rastreamento de membros da equipe e visitantes
Os protocolos de segurança começam quando o membro da sua equipe ou visitantes entram nas instalações. Quando eles chegam às instalações, a triagem de temperatura exige que eles registrem suas informações para fins de rastreamento e garantam que estão usando coberturas protetoras para o rosto. Mas se você tem uma instalação movimentada, pode ser um desafio para a equipe do saguão monitorar as pessoas que entram e saem do seu prédio.
Today, meeting room booking software offers innovative and beneficial features to help business owners navigate the current crisis challenges. The intuitive software solution is integrated with mask detection and thermal scanners, allowing businesses to quickly detect visitors and team members who have elevated body temperatures and are not wearing face coverings before entering the building.
In addition, the system has a contact tracing function that collects data from people’s Bluetooth devices and organizes this information into a contact tracing database. It is more convenient to identify people who may have contracted the virus carriers during their time in the office.
Are you planning to welcome your team members back early? Make sure you follow all safety guidelines to ensure you are legally and health-wise compliant. An efficient office space booking software like DeskFlex can help you implement safety protocols and get your employees up and running quickly. The well-being of everyone at work is paramount.